The Hall is always open Tuesday-Friday between 10am - 4pm, and most evenings and weekends for events. We regularly update our website and social media, so check for frequent updates! You may also schedule an appointment to visit the Hall during non-operating hours. The Hall is closed Mondays, with the exception of Art Sparks Joy afternoon classes.

Come in to view current art exhibits, learn more about the history of the organization, and find out about all the ways you can be a part of the Hall -your community arts & cultural center!

Sign up for our email newsletter, follow us on Facebook (@wellfleetpreservationhall) and Instagram (@wellfleetpreservationhall) to stay even more connected.

PLEASE NOTE: The Hall’s HVAC system has been outfitted with U.V. air filtration for your safety & comfort

Please visit our calendar for a full listing of current & upcoming programs