A sustainer program established to ensure continued excellence in programming for all ages and a long life for Wellfleet Preservation Hall. Please join your friends and neighbors and become a member of the Preservationist Society with a one time gift or multi-year pledge of $2500 or more. As a Preservationist Society member you will support great performances, cutting edge film screenings, classes for children and adults, while enabling the Hall to showcase the artwork of emerging and established artists and provide space for community gatherings. And..you will receive a weekly email full of information about what's been happening and what's on tap for the weeks ahead, an invitation to our annual Thank You Celebration, discounts on Private Event Rentals, recognition in our annual program book and the satisfaction of supporting an award-winning organization that serves as both an arts center and a community center for the entire Cape. CLICK HERE  to see our current Preservationist Society members. Contact Janet Lesniak to get more information on how you can become a Preservationist.